3x CACIB Bratislava 28.10. - 30.10.2022
Zion Argus Alsamar
28.10.2022 - junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC
29.10.2022 - junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC, Best of Junior
30.10.2022 - junior class - Excellent 2
Honorable judges: Olga Šinko Kupriyanova /SI/, Bruno Nodalli /IT/, Heidi Kirschbichler /A/
3x CACIB Komárom 21.10. - 23.10.2022
Zion Argus Alsamar
21.10.2022 - junior class - Excellent 4
22.10.2022 - junior class - Excellent 1, HPJ, Junior Winner, Best Junior and Best of Breed, Crufts Qualification
23.10.2022 - junior class - Excellent 1, HPJ, Junior Winner
Zion is new Juniorchampion of Hungary!
Many thanks to judges: Mr. Juan Naveda Carrero /ES/, Mr. Tomáš Kučera /CZ/, Mr. Pietro Paolo Condo /IT/
Our youngest Armida Alsamar had her show premiere at the Regional show in Litoměřice and achieved an excellent result.
In the puppy class she got Very promising 1 and in the final competitions 1st place out of all breeds - Best in show Puppy
Yuki Alsamar was Excellent 1, Class Winner and Regional Winner in the intermediate class
Thank you to judge Zuzana Brotánková!
Two very promising brindle females are still available for reservation
IDS České Budějovice
judge: Robert Kubeš /CZ/
Zion Argus Alsamar - Exc.2 - junior class
Zoya Grace Alsamar - Exc.3 - junior class
Yuki Alsamar - Exc.1, CAC
owner: Iveta Škrlantová
Club show KFB Marina Orlík
(134 French Bulldogs)
Zion Argus Alsamar - Exc.2/14 - junior class
Zoya Grace Alsamar - Excellent/28 - junior class
judge: Viera Vítková /SK/ and Marco Pedro Lopez /I/
International dog show Klatovy
Yuki Alsamar took 1st place in the junior class - excellent 1, CAJC
judge: Miroslav Václavík /CZ/
Yuki became the new Junior Champion of the Czech Republic
Congratulations to his owner!
Club show MSBMK at Dolní Kounice Castle
Yuki Alsamar - excellent 2 from 8 males - junior class
Zion Argus - excellent 3 - junior class
Judge: Zdenka Jílková /CZ/
Puppies from litter "B" were born on 3 September 2022. We have 3 females, 2 brindle and 1 fawn.
HTME Speciality Winner Show
Zion Argus Alsamar - excellent 1, HPJ, Speciality Junior Winner
Judge: Bonka Georgieva Laslo /SRB/
HTME Cup Winner Show
Zion Argus Alsamar - excellent 1, HPJ, Junior Cup Winner, BOS
Judge: Gröschl Ferenc /HUN/
26.8. - 28.8.2022
IDS Székesfehérvár Agárd - 3x CACIB
Zion Argus Alsamar - junior class
26.8. 2022 CACIB I - excellent 4
27.8. 2022 CACIB II - excellent
28.8. 2022 CACIB III - excellent 2
Judges: Biró Zsolt /HUN/, Olga Sinko-Kupriyanova /SLO/, Štefan Šinko /SLO/
We got a nice letter today.
Zion Argus Alsamar is officially the Junior Champion of Slovenia.
IDS Mladá Boleslav
Zion Argus Alsamar - excellent 2 in the junior class
Judge: V. Staviarska /SK/
4.8. - 7.8.2022
IDS Istra Summer Dog Show Slovenia
4x CACIB Portorož, Izola, Koper a Ankaran
Judges: C. Stefanescu /RO/, C. Salas /ES/, Š. Šinko /SI/, R. Kanas /SK/
Zion achieved these results
2x excellent 1, 2x Junior winner and Best of Junior
2x excellent 2
Zion Argus has fulfilled the conditions for the title Junior Champion of Slovenia in 10 months old.
National Dog Show Mladá Boleslav
Judge: Olga Dolejšová /CZ/
Zion Argus Alsamar - excellent 2 - for the first time in the youth class
Yuki Alsamar - excellent 1, CAC, National Winner, BOS
Winona Alsamar - excellent 4
We have received great news!
Grand Champion Winston Alsamar became the No.1 French bulldog in the country and overall the 3rd best dog in South Africa.
Winston achieved great results at the shows in Oudtshoorn, South Africa.
Winston Alsamar is the new Grand Champion of South Africa.
We are very proud of him and congratulate the owner, Jody van Heerden.
Yuki Alsamar was successful at the IDS in Litoměřice. He won in the junior class with the title Exc. 1, CAJC.
Congratulations to the owner Iveta Škrlantová.
Special show KFB Marina Orlík
(140 french bulldogs)
Judge: Barbara Pallasky /DE/ and Gabriela Ridarčíková /SK/
Zion Argus Alsamar - very promising 4/8 - puppy class
Yuki Alsamar - excellent 3/16 - junior class
Xaro Ewan Alsamar - excellent 2/9, Res. CAC
Xenia Alsamar - excellent 4/17
Xaro Ewan Alsamar won a beautiful placement Exc. 1, CAC
Judge: Suzan Shimon /CRO/
Owner: Jarmila Veselá
The only female from our litter "A" Armida Alsamar (4 weeks) stays at home.
Her dad is a beautiful brindle dog ICH. and MultiCH. Bull Ranch MX Predador.
A dog from our breeding Winston Alsamar ( CH. Santo I de Garras Bull x Mano Imperatorius Bella Luna) became the Champion of South Africa.
Congratulations to his owner Jody van Heerden!